• Software Mind - SU Embedded service
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    Software Mind 的高技能嵌入式(SU Embedded service)研發團隊支援嵌入式系統的各個階段開發。 我們的跨功能團隊透過最調整硬體平台來極大化價值,開發嵌入式應用程式,並驗證、測試、記錄和維護韌體。


  1. Bare metal software / Firmware
    • Vendor’s SDK
  2. 作業系統
    • Embedded Linux
    • RTOS
  3. Middleware
    • Driver
    • Communication protocols
  4. Application
    • OpenCV
  5. Test Tools
  6. Embedded systems’ technology consultancy
  7. 軟體開發

  8. 技術諮詢/ 技術可行性評估
  9. 通訊協定 (有線,無線及物聯網)
    • Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE), Matter, Thread,,WiFi, CAN
  10. 最新科技的知識
  11. 無作業系統環境程式開發Bare metal software / Firmware
    • Arm Cortex-M 32bit MCU
    • Low-power solutions
    • Wireless communication
    • Automotive ECUs
    • Secure elements
  12. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) IAR Embedded Workbench, VS Code, Eclipse
  13. Cross Compilers - including GCC
  14. Debuggers - include GDB (GNU Debugger) and LLDB (LLVM Debugger), Ozone
  15. Debug probes – STLink, JLink over JTAG/SWD, Lauterbach
  16. Coding standards including MISRA C static codeanalysis tools inc. Lint, Cppcheck, and Coverity.
  17. Version Control Systems (VCS) – Git
  18. Build Systems - include Make, CMake, and Gradle.
  19. Build automation tools – Gitlab/Jenkins/Azure also withusage of Docker
  20. Documentation – projects documentation generators inc.include Doxygen and Sphinx.
  21. 測試軟體開發

  22. 嵌入軟體測試自動化工具: unit, functional tests, and performance tests inc.Google Test, CUnit, and PyTest
  23. 生產線測試工具開發
  24. 特殊環境下的多平台自動化測試環境設計
  25. 使用’GitLab and Jenkins的CI/CD解決方案
  26. 通訊標準的符合性及功能性測試
  27. 客製化測試腳本如Python