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2024-12 The leading reader desgin company bought the 3rd cilab ci230 NFC/EMV tester from Wise

2022-10 ST Microelectonics Taiwan use cilab ci230 for NFC/EMV chip design.

2020-01 Honlint Tech continue to adopt 5G SA emulator for 5G product development.

2018-10 The first 5G NSA emulator delivered to Foxconn Group.

2017-03 The major IC design Realtek use ISO 7816-3 Set-top Box test tool to develop new chip.

2015-07 Test 4G small cell with China mobile operators

2014-12 Collaborate with 4G small cell manufacture Cybertan - Foxconn Group

2013-06 Start the telecomm business with Taiwan research unit.

2012-09 Working with the leading mobilehphone manufacture HTC for EMV/NFC test tool.

2011-08 The first /NFC/EMV/ISO7816 test bench installed at Mediatek .

2011-04 Wise Instruments Co., Ltd was established